What is a Good Call to Action on Website?

what is a good call to action for your website?

In short, a good call to action on your website is clear instructions to visitors about what you want them to do next.

A call to action (CTA) purpose is to guide visitors toward your desired conversion goal. 

As a business owner, you know the importance of driving conversions on your website. 

After all, a website is only successful if it can achieve the business goals it was designed for. 

In this article, I’ll go over a few tips on what you need to keep in mind while designing an effective CTA for your website.

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What Exactly is a Call to Action? 

As I said above, a CTA is an instruction that invites the reader to take the desired action. 

It could be anything from a button, link, or image that encourages a website visitor to take a specific action, such as subscribing to a newsletter, making a purchase, or scheduling a consultation. 

In other words, a CTA is what lets your visitors know what you want your audience to do next. 

Why Are CTAs So important? 

Put simply, without a CTA; your website visitors may not know what action you want them to take. 

And even if they have a general idea, without a CTA, they may not be motivated enough to actually do it. 

A well-crafted CTA will direct visitors toward your intended goal for their visit.

Whether making a purchase, signing up for something, or simply taking the next step in their customer journey. 

Types of Call-To-Actions 

There are many types of call-to-actions, and each type has its own strengths, so it’s important to choose the one that will work best for your specific situation. 

Here are some of the most commonly used:

Buy Now Call-To-Actions

These are the most common—and most effective—types of CTA. 

As the name suggests, ‘Buy Now’ CTAs prompt the user to make a purchase. 

They are typically used on product and pricing pages and other places where users are close to converting. 

Contact Us Call-To-Actions

These CTAs encourage users to get in touch with your company to learn more about your products or services. 

They can be used on any website page, but they’re most effective when used on your Contact Page. 

Learn More Call-To-Actions

These are similar to ‘Contact Us’ CTAs. They also encourage users to find out more about your company by visiting a specific page on your website. 

They can be used throughout your site, but they work best on About Us pages, Services pages, and Blog posts. 

Sign-Up Call-To-Actions

Sign Up’ CTAs are used to encourage users to sign up for a newsletter, webinar, or other types of lead generation offer. 

They are typically used on landing pages and blog posts.

In order for a ‘Sign Up’ CTA to be effective, the lead magnet must be high quality and relevant to the user’s interests. 

Lead Generation Call-To-Actions

These are designed to capture leads by offering something in exchange for contact information, such as an ebook or webinar. 

They can be included in every post you make and should also be included on key pages of your website, like your Homepage and Contact Page.

Creating an Effective CTA 

Not all CTAs are created equal. An effective CTA must be clear, specific, and relevant to your target audience. 

It should also stand out from the rest of the content on the page so that visitors can’t help but notice it. 

8 Tips for Creating a Good Call to Action

1. Use Persuasive Language

Help your audience understand why they should take the desired action by using persuasive language in your CTA.

Words like ‘free,’ ‘limited time only,’ and ‘now’ can help increase the urgency and encourage people to take action. 

2. Use Actionable Language

Language like “click here” or “download now” tells visitors exactly what they need to do. 

And avoid using passive language like “learn more” or “read on” that doesn’t give specific instructions and, as a result, isn’t as effective. 

3. Make it Benefit-Oriented

Focus on what’s in it for your visitor rather than what you want from them. 

For example, instead of saying, “sign up for our newsletter,” try saying, “stay up-to-date with the latest industry news .” 

4. Keep it Short and Sweet

Keep your CTAs short and easy to understand so that visitors don’t have to put much thought into taking the desired action. 

Your CTA should be no more than a few words long. The shorter, the better – you want your audience to be able to understand your CTA at a glance. 

5. Make it Clear

A CTA’s purpose is to guide website visitors to do what you want them to do to convert into fans or customers. 

But for website visitors to convert, they need to be given a clear call to action. 

Therefore your CTA’s copy should be clear and concise.

6. Make it Visually Appealing

Use colors, images, and other design elements to make your CTA stand out from the rest of your content.

Remember – you want your audience to be able to see your CTA and know immediately understand what they need to do next. 

7. Place it Prominently on Your Page

A compelling CTA is one of the most important elements of any successful website. 

Hence, for a CTA to be effective, it must be placed prominently on your website and impossible to miss. 

Otherwise, people won’t bother taking the time to look for it. 

Place it near the top of your website so that people will see it as soon as they land on your page.

8. Use first-person pronouns

Address your audience directly using first-person pronouns in your CTAs. 

For example, instead of saying ‘ subscribe now,’ say ‘ subscribe today.’ This small change can significantly affect how your audience perceives your CTA.  

Final Thoughts 

The CTA is often the final step in your sales funnel; it is the journey your prospects take from becoming aware of your product or service.

To take action and become paying customers—so it’s essential to ensure that your CTA is highly visible and effective. 

If a visitor on your website has scrolled down to your CTA and isn’t sure what they’re supposed to do next, you need to rethink your strategy.

A good CTA needs to be clear, direct, and easy to understand so there is no confusion about what you want your prospects to do next. 

An effective CTA will also guide prospects toward taking the desired action by using persuasive language and convincing them of the value of whatever you offer. 

No one wants to take action without knowing what they’re getting. 

Therefore with careful planning and execution, your CTAs can help you achieve your desired conversion goals and close more deals.

I hope this post has helped you 🙂

Our thanks to Canva and Pixabay for the free pictures.

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